Travel Registration – Now Open
Online Spring Registration is open
For Individuals select New Account or Existing account to register.
For Multiple Players select Family Registration-New or Existing
- Once you create a family account you can add your existing player(s) and also, create new player accounts.
Travel Soccer
- Eligible participants must be U8 (birth year 2016) and up.
- All teams receive professional training once a week
Players can ONLY register for Travel if they have been selected to a team
Registration Fees
- Travel U8 to U10 = $190.00 (Birth year 2017-2015)
- Travel U11 to U14 = $210.00 (Birth Year 2014-2011)
- Travel U15 and Up = $220.00 (Birth Year 2010 and Up)
- Payment Plan available
Please visit our website for additional information: